Vol 41 No. 2





Guest Editorial

Guide for Authors


Special Issue


Section I

Reconsidering Engineering Education: Embracing the Continuum from

Emergency Remote Teaching to Future Learning Paradigms


Guest Editors

Roberto Baelo Álvarez – Universidad de León, Spain

Andrés Díaz Lantada – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

José Luis Martín Núñez – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

María Isabel Doval Ruiz – Universidade de Vigo, Spain


Ahmad Ibrahim

Guest Editorial

Roberto Baelo Álvarez, Andrés Díaz Lantada, José Luis Martín Núñez and María Isabel Doval Ruiz

Mobile Applications and Classroom Response Systems to Enhance Learning Performance: An Experience from Digital Competences

Maylin Suleny Bojórquez-Roque, Luis Magdiel Oliva-Córdova, Antonio Garcia-Cabot and Eva Garcia-Lopez

What has Persisted and What has Not: A Longitudinal Study of Changes in Teachers’ Experiences of Project-Based Teaching and Learning Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Avneet Hira, Emma Anderson and Peter J. Woods

Should Distance Learning be More Widely Implemented in Formal Education of IT Engineers?

Lidija Ivanovic, Boza Miljkovic and Dragan Ivanovic

Teaching and Time Efficiency of Using eLearning for Arduino Microcontroller Course: A Case Study

Š Koprda, M. Magdin, D. Tucček, M. Munk and T. Příbaň

Impact of Didactic Strategies and Teaching Practices on Faculty Generations in Education

Claudia Elsa Rodríguez Medellin, Margarita Del Rosario Yau Flores, Martha Patricia Guzmán Brito, Asad Abbas and Nada Eltaiba

Impact of Collaborative Learning, Interactivity, Social Presence, and Engagement on the Development of Social Intelligence Competency in Higher Education Students

Samantha Carissa Sierra, Martha Elena Núñez, Asad Abbas, Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui and Suliman Aladhadh

Evaluating the Usage of ChatGPT for Educational Purposes Through the Extended Technological Acceptance Model

Jelica Stanojević, Miroslav Minović, Ivana Kovačevic´ and Milica Maričić

Problem-based Learning in a Data Visualization University Course During COVID-19

Wen-Chih Chang

Innovating Digital Signal Processing Course Design Post-Pandemic: Blended Teaching and Engineering Education Accreditation

Yuan Ning

Section II


Contributions in: Divergent Thinking, Engineering Practice, Innovative Media,

Students’ Satisfaction, Teaching Approaches, E-Learning, Smart Manufacturing,

Internship, Mastery Learning, New Engineering Education, Peer Groups,

Social Skills, Virtual Reality, Generative AI


Upsetting the Convergence Norm: Investigating Practitioner Engagement in Divergent Thinking

Laura R. Murphy, Shanna R. Daly and Colleen M. Seifert

Innovative Media for Teaching and Learning Engineering Drawing: Opportunities for Future Learning and Research

Andri Setiyawan, Zsolt Lavicza, Adi N. Cahyono and Guillermo Bautista, Jr.

The Relationship Between Teaching Approaches and Engineering Students’ Life Satisfaction

Dragan Lj. Bjelica, Marko Mihić, Dejan Petrović, Ivana Peruničić Mladenović, Dejana Pavlović, Duško Bodroža, Mihajlo Djukić, Valerija Dabetić, Andjelija Djordjević Tomić

Enhancing Programming Proficiency: The Role of Interactive E-Learning Tools in Student Success

Mohammed Yahya Alghamdi

Integrating Digital Twins into Small to Medium Sized Manufacturers: A Roadmap for Engineering Internships

Terrance L. Speicher, Joanna F. DeFranco, Charles D. Stricker, Jr. and Soundar Kumara

Navigating Mistakes: How Undergraduate Engineering Students Learned to Achieve in a Mastery Learning Course at a Hispanic-Serving Institution

Carlos L. Perez and Dina Verdín

Strategic Initiatives for New Engineering Education in China

Lina Wei and Wei Zhang

Conceptual Model for Constructing Formal Peer Coding Groups for Programming Courses

Emmanuel C. Ukekwe, Adaora A. Obayi, Folake O. Adegoke and Godfrey U. Ogbonna

Analyzing Engineering Course Emphases: A Closer Look at Social and Contextual Practices Observed in Required Mechanical Engineering Courses

Jingfeng Wu, Erika A. Mosyjowski, Shanna R. Daly, Joi-Lynn Mondisa and Lisa, R. Lattuca

Application of Virtual Reality for Sustainability Education

Seneshaw Tsegaye, Cijy Elizabeth Sunny, Senthil B. Girimurugan and Jordan Kooyman

AI-Assisted Personalized Learning System for Teaching Chassis Principles

Chin-Wen Liao, En-Shiuh Lin, Bo-Siang Chen, Cheng-Chia Wang, I-Chi Wang, Wei-Sho Ho, Yu-Yuan Ko, Tzu-Hsin Chu, Kuang-Min Chang and Wen-Jun Luo

Guide for Authors


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