Volume 40 No. 6




Guide for Authors


Special Issue

Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XIII

Collaborations in Student Design Experiences

Guest Editor

Gordon G. Krauss – Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, USA



Ahmad Ibrahim

Guest Editorial

Gordon G. Krauss

Key Ideas from Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XIII – Collaborations in Student Design Experiences

Gordon G. Krauss

Interconnected and Distributed Professional Growth and Development: Exploring the Potential for Faculty Development via Design for Impact, an Intercollegiate, Interdisciplinary Human-centered Design Program

David Gray, Julia Devoy, Kathryn Wozniak, Tsailu Liu and Daniel Harding

Unlocking the Secrets of Intuition Use: Evaluating Solutions and Predicting Outcomes During Engineering Problem Solving

Kaela M. Martin, Elif E. Miskioğlu, Natalie C. Dow, Zihui Zhu, Sanjeev M. Kavale, Ryan B. Lee and Adam R. Carberry

Use of Different Prototype Modalities for Design Communication in Industry-Sponsored, Interdisciplinary Capstone Design Teams during COVID-19

Pablo Luna Falcon, Hannah Budinoff, Julia Kramer and Jannatul Bushra

A Collaborative Inquiry into Tensions between Empathy and Engineering Design

Corey Schimpf, Nicholas D. Fila, Justin Hess, Allison Godwin, Elizabeth Sanders, Kirsten H. Dodson, Molly H. Goldstein and Rob Sleezer

Collaboration, Professional Preparation, and Personal Growth: Alum Validation of Capstone Design Outcomes

Susannah Howe

The Students Are Doing The Best They Can: Reframing Why Inequitable Community Engagement Happens in Engineering Design Higher Education

Kaylla Cantilina and Robert P. Loweth

Assistive Technology and Human-Centered Engineering Design: Partnership between a School that Serves Students with Extensive Support Needs and a Human-Centered Engineering Program

Avneet Hira, Jennifer Gemski and Justin Henriques

What do Practicing Engineers say about Stakeholder Exploration? Expanding Understanding of Divergent Exploration in Design

Laura R. Murphy, Thanina Makhlouf, Shanna R. Daly and Colleen M. Seifert

Assessing Teamwork Learning: A Heuristics Authoring Approach

Joshua D. Summers, Apurva Patel and Marissa L. Shuffler-Porter

Practitioner Case Studies Demonstrating the Incorporation of Contextual Factors during Global Health Design

Grace Burleson, Kentaro Toyama and Kathleen H. Sienko

Exploring Engineering Student Perspectives on Positionality in Design for ‘Social Good’ Collaborations

Nick D. Moses, Shanna R. Daly, Jacqueline Handley and Kathleen H. Sienko

Partnerships Within Community-Engaged Design

Haley Cutler, Jorge Martinez, William C. Oakes, Andrew Pierce and Robin Terwilliger

The Veiled Problem of ‘‘Problem Solution’’: Problem Definition as Necessary but not Sufficient

Marie Stettler Kleine, Dean Nieusma, Chelsea Salinas and Aubrey Wigner

Society Centered Learning: Approaching Society as a Complex System with Diverse Stakeholders

Elizabeth M. Gerber and Amy O’Keefe

Enhancing the Value Co-Creation in Student Team Project among the School of Design and the Department of Mechanical Engineering through Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Approach

Luqian Wang and Yi-Teng Shih

Teaching Engineering Design With People, Problems, and Prototypes

Desen S. Ȍzkan and Nicole Batrouny

Learning Through Product-Based Learning with Emphasis of People, Process, and Product Across Multi-Disciplinary Courses

Micah Lande

Educating the Whole Engineer at Wake Forest Engineering: Using Cognitive Apprenticeship as an Effective Pedagogical Approach to Cultivate Design Learning, Team Effectiveness, Entrepreneurial Mindset and Character in Capstone Design

Olga Pierrakos, Jesse Pappas, William Crowe, Ty Holcomb and Kyle Luthy

Assessing Divergence and Convergence in the Design Process: Results from Two Experiments

Arlindo Silva, Tamas Makany and Matt Chiu

Strengthening the Link between Latine Communities and Engineering: Multicompetent Learners’ Expansive Design Perspectives

Greses Pérez and Sheri Sheppard

Collaborative Project-Based Service Learning: What Motivates Students to Participate and What Do They Value After?

Deniz Dogruer, Vivek Rao and Alice Merner Agogino

Guide for Authors


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