Vol 31-2






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Section I Special Issue

Current Trends of E-Leaning in Engineering Education

Guest Editor

Wei-Fan Chen—The Pennsylvania State University, USA



Ahmad Ibrahim

Wei-Fan Chen


Guest Editorial




Yu-Hung Chiang and Hei Chia Wang

Effects of the In-flipped Classroom on the Learning Environment   of Database Engineering


Gillian M. Nicholls and Sherri L. Restauri

Instituting and Assessing the Effectiveness of Focused e-learning Modules in Engineering Education


Kyungsun Park

Instructional Design Models for Blended Learning in  Engineering Education


Dorina Gnaur and Johan Clausen

Teaching Smart with Podcasts



Po-Hsin Huang, Ming-Chuan Chiu, Sheue-Ling Hwang and Jan-Li Wang

Investigating E-Learning Accessibility for Visually-Impaired Students: An Experimental Study

Reidar Kvadsheim, Hårek  Haugerud, Hugo L. Hammer, Alfred Bratterud and Laurence Habib

Does Clicker Use Improve Exam Scores? A Controlled  Randomized Experiment in a Bachelor-Level Course in Software Engineering

Yücel Uğurlu

User Attention Analysis for E-learning Systems—Towards Intelligent Tutoring


Enosha Hettiarachchi, M. Antonia Huertas and Enric Mor

E-Assessment System for Skill and Knowledge Assessment in Computer Engineering Education

Sonia Pamplona, Nelson Medinilla and Pamela Flores

Assessment for Learning: A Case Study of an Online Course in  Operating Systems

Ang Liu, Yun Dai and Stephen Lu

Effectiveness of E-learning 2.0 Tools and Services to Support Learner–Learner Virtual Interactions in a Global Engineering Class


Wen-Hsiung Wu, Wen-Cheng Yan, Wei-Yang Wang, Sung-Lin Li and Hao-Yun Kao

Comparison of Varied Social Media in Assisting Student  Learning


Noemí Merayo, Patricia Prieto, Ramón J. Durán, Juan C. Aguado,Patricia Fernández, Ignacio de Miguel, Rubén M. Lorenzo and Evaristo J. Abril

M-learning and E-learning Interactive Applications to Enhance the Teaching–Learning Process in Optical Communications Courses



Mengping Tsuei and Ri-Teng Lai

Development of an Online Engineering Drawing System to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Learning in an Engineering Graphics Course



Section II

Contributions in: Active Learning, Technology Assessment, Wiki System, Team Work, Motivation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Engineering Education Research


Prateek Shekhar, Matt Demonbrun, Maura Borrego, Cynthia Finelli, Michael Prince, Charles Henderson and Cynthia Waters

Development of an Observation Protocol to Study Undergraduate Engineering Student Resistance to Active Learning



Sara Blanc, José Vicente Benlloch-Dualde

and Gine´s Benet

Engaging Students in an Undergraduate Computer Technology Course: An Active-Learning Approach



Pao-Nan Chou, Wei-Fan Chen and

Investigation of Using Wiki to Facilitate Group Composition in   Learning Engineering Knowledge: A Quasi-Experimental Study



Hsin-Ting Lin



Deepti Mishra, Sofiya Ostrovska and Tuna Hacaloglu

Assessing Team Work in Engineering Projects


Patricia L. Hardré,  Zahed Siddique and Warren F. Smith

Modeling the Motivation of Mechanical Engineering  Students: Productive Perceptions for Present and Future  Success

Chih-Chao Chung, Wei-Yuan Dzan, Ru-Chu Shih and Shi-Jer Lou

Study on BOPPPS Application for Creativity Learning  Effectiveness


So Young Sohn and Yonghan Ju

Design and Implementation of a Six Sigma Game to Develop Entrepreneurship in Engineering  Students



Natascha van Hattum-Janssen, Bill Williams and Jose´  Manuel Nunes de Oliveira

Engineering Education Research in Portugal, an Emerging  Field




Guide for Authors


Web Statistics