Volume 23 number 1


Part I


Trends in Pre-College (K-12) Engineering Education


Guest Editors


Lawrence Genalo: Iowa State University

Steve WatkinsL: University of Missouri-Rolla

Hans-Peter Christensen: Danish Technical University













L.Genalo, S.Watkins and H. P.Christensen

Guest editorial



C.M.Cunnigham, M.T.Knight, W.S.Carlsen and G.Kelly

 Integrating Engineering in Middle and High School Classrooms



C.Carulla, M.Duque, A.Molano and J.T.Hernandez

Trends in Pre- College Engineering and Technology Education



B.Haberman and A.Cohen

A High School Program in Software Engineering



M.Hynes and A dos Santos

Effective Professional Development- Middle School Engineering Content



S.Kocijancic and J.Jamsek

Investigating the Operation of Electrical Machines with Computerised Laboratory Activities



M.McKay and B.McGrath

Real World Problem solving Using Real World Data



D.Bergin, S.S.Nair, S.K.Khanna and J.Lynch

Infusing Design into the G7-12 Curriculum- Two Example Cases




Why Teach Manufacturing in a Museum?



T.J.Siller, M.A. de Miranda and D.C.Whaley

Engineering Education Partnership



S.A.Sorby and G.Schumaker- Chadde

Partnering to bring engineering concepts to Elementary Students




Survey of K-12 Engineering- oriented Student Competitions




Learning to Design: the Continuum of Engineering Education







Part II


Contributions in: Engineering Education Research, University-Industry Cooperation,

Engineering Design, Visualisation, Remote Programming,

Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Historical Simulation


R.S.Evans, J.Parks and S.Nichols

The Idea to Product® Program: An Educational Model Uniting Emerging Technologies, Student Leadership and Societal Applications



D.W.Hoffa and S.A.Freeman

The Impact of Laboratory Report Format on Student Learning



M.Friesen and K.L.Taylor

Perceptions and Experiences of Industry Cooperators in Project-based Design Courses



T.W.Simpson and H.Thevenot

Using Product Dissection to Integrate Product Family Design Research into the Classroom and Improve Students’ Understanding of Platform Commonality



B.E.Moreti, E.P.Naessens and K.S.Allen

Using an Engineering Design Problem to Assess Attainment of Life-Long Learning




The Self- Regenerating Engineering Design Course: A Top-Down Approach



H.Jenkins and J.Burtner

An Approach to Develop and Measure Engineering Visualization in an Introductory Mechanics Course using Computer-Aided Learning Modules



A.Böhne, N.Faltin and B.Wagner

Distributed Group Work in a Remote Programming Laboratory – a Comparative Study



G.Birol, A.F.McKenna, H.D.Smith,

TD.Giorgio and S.Brophy

Development of Challenge Based Educational Modules in the Biotechnology Domain



K.A.Lamkin-Kennard, A.L.Lerner And M.R.King

Teaching Biomedical Engineering Ethics in the Context of Statistics



J.I.Rojas-Sola and R.Lopez-Garcia

Computer Aided Design in the Recovery and Analysis of Industrial Heritage:Application to a Watermill




Web Statistics