Contents Volume 20 number 6


Part I



Special Issue


Spreadsheet Applications in Engineering Education


Guest Editors


Chung Yau Lam and Karim Kabalan









C.Y.Lam and K.Y.Kabalan

Guest Editorial




Spreadsheets Applications in Engineering Education: A Review



A. Chehab, A. El-Hajj, and

M. Husseini and H.Artail

Spreadsheet Applications in Electrical Engineering: A Review



M. El- Fadel, R. Bsat, and M. Adada

Use of Spreadsheets in Environment Education: An Application for Solid Waste Management



H. Artail, H. Al- Asadi, and

W. Koleilat and A.Chehab

Implementation of Wavelets in Spreadsheets and Their Use in Education



E.C. Ferreira, R. Lima and R. Salcedo

 Spreadsheets in Chemical Engineering Education – A Tool in Process Design and Integration



H.  Salzer and  I. Levin

 Teaching Fundamentals of Requirements Engineering by using Spreadsheet based Logic Controller



S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole, Shifla Musthafa,

H.M.M. Naleer and S. Krishnakumar

 Spreadsheets in Electromagnetic Education: Coupled Problem with Graphical Postprocessing



S.A. Maurice and R.L. Day

 A Spreadsheet Method for Promoting Learning in a Non- Supervised Testing Environment



M. Court

 The Impact of Using Excel Macros for Teaching Simulation Input and Output Analysis



M. Schumack

 Use of Spreadsheet package to Demonstrate Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer



D. Lawson

 The Blackbody Fraction, Infinite Series and Spreadsheets



P. J. Jordan

 A Spreadsheet- Based Method for Thermal Radiation Calculations

O.A. Iglesias J. Pastor, A. Henseler, R. Bertolini,

J.D. Soto, and C.N. Paniagua

 Spreadsheet Use in Conceptual Design of Processes


Part II

Engineering Education Research, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Chemical Engineering


Engineering Education Reform:Signs of Progress

G.W.Ellis, A.Rudnitsky and B.Silverstein

Using Concept Maps to Enhance Understanding in Engineering Education




and M.Gad- El Hak

The Experiential Engineering Library



P.C.Kaminski, E.P.F.Ferreira and S.L.H.Theuer

 Evaluating and Improving the Quality of an Engineering Specialization Program through the QFD Methodology



S.A.Abu- Eisheh

Assessment of the Output of Local Engineering Education Programs in Meeting the Needs of the Private Sector for Economies in Transition- The Palestinian Territories Case



P.Salama, M.E.Rizkalla and C.F.Yokomoto

Screening and Assessing a Capstone Senior Design Project: Video Compression and Error Concealment over the Internet



W.Jang and H.H.Lim

Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems into a Production and Operations Analysis Course



P.Pina and R.Mallada

An Example of Falsified Kinetics by Diffusional Limitations in Gas- Solid Catalytic Reactions


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