Special Issue Volume 19 number 5


Problem Based Learning


Guest Editors


Erik de Graaff,  Anette Kolmos,  Renate Fruchter









E. de Graaff,A.Kolmos,R.Fruchter

Guest Editorial


Anette Kolmos and Erik de Graaff

Chartacteristics of Problem Based Learning


Renate Fruchter and Sarah Lewis

Mentoring Models in Support of P5BL


Madeleine Dahlgren

PBL through the looking glass:Comparing Applications in Computer Engineering, Psychology and Psyschotherapy


David Hansen,William Cavers and Glyn George

Use of a Physical Linear Cascade to Teach Modelling of a System


Lars Peter Jensen, Jan Helbo, Morten Knudsen, Ole Rokkjćr

Project-Organized Problem-based Learning in Distance Education


William Cockayne, John M. Feland III and Larry Leifer

Using the Contextual Skills Matrix for PBL Assessment


Bernd Bender and Jörg Longmuss

Knowledge Management in Problem-Based Engineering Design Projects


B.Serpil Acar and Ian  Newman

Students as Tutors - Learning Problem-Solving Skills by Tutoring PBL*


Laureano Jiménez, Josep Font, Xavier Farriol

Unit Operations Laboratory Through Ill-Posed Problems


Stephen Ekwaro-Osire

 Pan-Mentoring” as An Effective Element Of Capstone Design Course


Erol Inelmen

Challenging the administration to Implement Problem-Based Learning in the  Undergraduate Curriculum


Terra Smith and William S. Janna

Reflections On Scholarship Of Integration as a Model For Problem-Based Learning In Undergraduate Engineering Education


W.H. Ip, S.F. Chan and C.K. Choi

An Integrated Problem-based Learning Model for Engineering Education


Marcian Cirstea

Problem Based Learning  in Microelectronics


Brian Bowe, Cathal Flynn, Robert Howard and Siobhan Daly

Teaching Physics to Engineering Students using Problem-Based Learning


Tse Wai Leung and Chan Wai Lok

Application of Problem-Based Learning in an Engineering Course


Fernando Ramos and Enrique Espinosa

A Self-learning Environment Based on the PBL Approach: an Application to the Learning Process in the Field of Robotics and Manufacturing Systems


Martin B Mgangira

Integrating the Development of Employability Skills into a Civil Engineering Core Subject through a Problem-Based Learning Approach


Alejandro Alvarado-Lassman, Victor de la Cueva & Rafael de Gasperín

Implementing and Assessing the ABC2 Constructivist Model in Chemistry for Engineering Undergraduate Classes





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