The International Journal of
Engineering Education
Volume 13, Number 4 - 1997

M.S Wald  Editorial 
M.S Wald Engineering Education World
W. P. Gray 
 Education and Football: A Multiphase Flow Approach
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Co-Authors: A.Agogino, .Bereton, L.Bucciarelli, J.Dally, J.Demel, C.Dym, D.Evans, R.Faste, M.Henderson, P.Minderman, J.Mitchell, A.Oladipupo,  
M. Picket-May, R.Quinn, T.Reagan, J.Wujek 
Examples of Freshman Design Education
W.P.Boyle and K.Liu 
The Fourbar Linkage; Pseudographic Kinematic Analysis
Control Engineering
T.K.Hamrita and R.W.McClendon 
A New Approach for Teaching Microcontroller Courses
Technology transfer
M.Rao and Q.Xia 
Intelligent On-line Monitoring and Control System-a University-Industry-Government R&D Partnership Program
 Special Section on Aerospace Engineering Education
C.F.Newberry,A.H.Ahmadi, .M.Schoenung,  
V.H. Garner 
The Development of a Mature Master's Degree Program in Aeronautical Engineering: a University-Industry Partnership
R.Martinez Val and E.Perez 
Teaching Airplane Design: A Multi-Level Approach
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