The International Journal of

Engineering Education

Volume 8, Number 5 - 1992




M. S. Wald


Engineering Education World

Sir William Francis

Personal View

J. H. F Meyer and A. R. Sass

Engineering Students from Educationally Disadvantaged Backgrounds: Assumptions. Research Conclusions, and Curriculum Responses

J. E. Holt and D. F. Radcliffe

On the Nature of Mechanical Engineering Work—Content and Process

R. Latorre

Computer and Media Integration in Japanese Engineering Education

A M. Zikic and B. Lj. Radenkovic

Application of GPSS/FON in Teaching Simulation

D. Donoval and R. Harman

Computer-Aided Learning in Microelectronics. Based on Modeling and Simulation

C.Y. Lam

Spreadsheet Approach to Partial Differential Equations Part 2: Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations

M. E. Rizkalla and W. E. Stephen

Transient Transmission Line Analysis Using Lattice Diagrams

S. M. Vaezi-Nejad

Postgraduate Engineering Studies in the School of Engineering at the University of Greenwich