Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editor, Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim by e-mail at:
Manuscripts should be submitted in English as Microsoft Word documents (.docx). Authors submitting a revised manuscript need to outline separately the response to the reviewers’ comments and the changes introduced to the manuscript. Manuscripts containing mathematical equations or special symbols should also be submitted in PDF format. Manuscripts will be reviewed; all accepted revised manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the style of the Journal (a short guide is available online and at the end of the print issues). They will be copy-edited and typeset. The proofs in PDF format will be sent to the authors before publication.
Manuscripts intended for a special issue are to be submitted directly to the guest-editor(s) as indicated in the specific Call-for Papers. The accepted, revised manuscripts will be forwarded to the Editor for further processing.
Copyright By submitting a manuscript the authors declare that the manuscript was not published before, that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted for publication in the IJEE, will not be published anywhere else. If accepted for publication in the IJEE, the authors agree to transfer the copyright to the Journal and to honour the page charges.
Page Charge Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to pay a page charge; the total charge is calculated based on the number of pages of the proofs. Details are provided on the web page of the IJEE.
Review Criteria Only manuscripts that have a focus on engineering education will be considered for publication. Manuscripts that appear to be within the scope of the Journal will be peer-reviewed. Reviewers are asked to consider several aspects of the manuscript, including: Content:clarity of objective, technical correctness, scope covered, conclusions drawn as supported by the data presented, proper literature survey, impact on teaching and learning, and contribution to engineering education. Originality: presence of new ideas or innovative contribution. Structure: logical layout, proper use and adequate number of figures, diagrams, and tables. Quality of text: being concise, correct grammar and spelling, clarity of expression, consistency, readability, and citation of appropriate references. |